We are trying something very daring this week which is going to be a mix of Dry Sahara and Strong Orange. To get the perfect mix, we recommend measuring the bowl and filling it up with 60% of Dry Sahara and 40% Strong Orange. This will give it the perfect mixture of chocolate, cardamom, and coffee with orange and a hint of mint. You will also get a tiny bit of a buzz through the Strong Orange since it is made from dark leaf tobacco. This mix creates a smooth chocolaty and minty aroma mixed perfectly with the orange flavor. Tag us on Instagram (@zomousa) and Facebook (@zomousa) with your bowl and we will feature your post on our account. Watch our live show on Facebook in the evening roughly at 6:30pm to see the Zomo USA crew try out this mix.

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Our mix this week is 70% Swiss Alps along with 30% Fresh Provence mixed together
This weeks flavors to be mixed are Strong Melon and Strong Peach.
Our mix this week is Strong Blue and Strong Lemon


704 North Valley Street Suite R&S
Anaheim, CA 92801

